The outdoor 3rd Friday season will take place on the Plaza from W. Main St. to Division St. and at Unity Square from N. Division St. to Circle Ave.
Road and parking closures can be expected between 2-3 p.m. until the end of each event at 8 p.m. or until roads are clear of people to reopen.


what is 3rd Friday?
3rd Fridays are once monthly art & entertainment street festivals on Main Street in Downtown Salisbury from April -November.
In the spring, summer and fall months, local artists, crafters and community organizations set up outdoors and local musicians perform live music.
Activities vary each month so be sure to check the lineup each month. Monthly lineups are posted on our website, and previous months' lineups can be found on our blog.
In the winter months, 3rd Friday artists and street vendors no longer set up, but there is still plenty to do and see Downtown, from gallery shows to special performances and curated activities in businesses. Join the weekly Downtown Salisbury Newsletter for all the excitement downtown year round!

family friendly?
Yes. 3F loves kids, and we often have special activities and areas just for kids.
We love seeing whole families at 3F, introducing their children both to art and our beautiful Downtown.
3rd Friday tries to make sure people of all ages can find something they are interested in.
However... Do keep in mind, 3rd Fridays are primarily an art event highlighting artists and creativity, not a children’s event. Live music is playing, and limited amounts of alcohol may be served. Artists are asked to keep art appropriate and tasteful, but we generally allow items up to what could be considered PG-13. While this is rare, it could be encountered, so parental discretion is advised.

There are no public restrooms in Downtown Salisbury. Portable restrooms, including handicap-accessible units, are made available within the event footprint.

3rd Friday is accessible, both in parking and physical access. However, based on the spread-out geography of the event, those with limited mobility and special requirements may benefit from familiarizing themselves in advance with the area.
A Handicap-accessible portable restroom is available next to the Courthouse on East Main Street. Those with concerns are welcome to contact us in advance!
Limited mobility vendors have access to "Kindness Accessibility Spaces" on both the Plaza and on N. Division St. in exisiting kindness spaces.

where is 3rd Friday?
3rd Fridays are located along Main Street in Downtown Salisbury.
Vendors will be on Main Street from West Market Street to South Division Street as well as along Unity Square from South Division Street to Circle Avenue.

where is the Plaza?
The Plaza is the one-way portion of West Main Street, beginning at West Market Street, and ending at the North Division Street intersection.
The term "the Plaza" is frequently used to refer to this area.

how do I sign up to be an artist/vendor?
Artists and vendors must register AND RSVP monthly via Active Network. More information can be found on the "Home" or "Get Involved" tabs.
3rd Friday will reply with confirmation and setup instructions if you meet our guidelines.
Vendors hoping to sell cottage food items will be required to fill out an additional form. Download the form here.

sales tax?
Experienced vendors who attend multiple events or make frequent sales, should have a valid trader's license, and collect State of Maryland sales tax, just as any business operating in the State of Maryland would. 3rd Friday will identify those in this category and ask for copies of both your license and sales use and tax ID.
Novice exhibitors trying their hands at a craft for the first time, exhibiting at 3rd Friday only, or with infrequent sales, can delay their licensing, up to the point that their sales, experience or activity would require them to get properly licensed. 3rd Friday will keep track of those in this category as well.
For Information on trader's licenses and sales use and tax IDs, or to determine if you fall into a category that would require these items, please feel free to contact:
The Clerk of the Wicomico County Circuit Court: (410)-543-1427 [Dial #4 At Prompt]

are tables provided?
3rd Friday does not provide tables or chairs; vendors must bring their own. For more setup info, please register via Active Network.

3rd Fridays are from 5-8 p.m.
Special events, art show openings, and bar/restaurant specials may not adhere exactly and may end early, or carry on far after 3rd Friday is over. Check the monthly lineup for details.

3rd Fridays are free to attend.
There is also no charge to set up as an artist, crafter or nonprofit group, but advance registration is required.

what's cottage food?
Starting in 2021, vendors are now being accepted that sell what are known as "cottage food items."
These items are non-potentially hazardous food that is sold in Maryland directly to a consumer from a residence, at a farmers market, at a public event, by personal delivery, by mail delivery, or directly to a retail food store.​
A cottage food business (or a home-based business) is defined in the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 10.15.0​3​ as a business that a) produces or packages cottage food products in a residential kitchen; and b) has annual revenues from the sale of cottage food products in an amount not exceeding $25,000.
Vendors seeking to sell cottage food items at 3rd Friday must complete an additional registration form. Click here.

other participation?
Nonprofit organizations, school groups, and other community interest groups may participate in 3rd Fridays, but must register in advance and have a table activity.
Please note: Raffles and the sale / distribution of food items are prohibited (except cottage food items).
Register AND RSVP monthly via Active Network to reserve your space.